Eczema – Skin Ailments


Today let’s talk about something very important. We will talk about Skin Ailments specially Eczema.

Definition- Eczema – Skin Ailments  ( Atopic Dermatitis) – 

Eczema means Inflammation and Irritation of skin caused by different factors.

It is the hyperactive response of the body’s immune system to the allergens.


 1) Allergic conditions like Asthma ,Hay fever.

 2) Family heredity traits.

 3) Allergens as extreme cold weather, food, soaps, detergents.

Conventional Treatment 

  • Generally this tendency is controlled by application of ointments, creams, lotions, and some anti -allergic medicines.
  • In extreme cases steroid based creams and oral medicines are prescribed.

 Consequences –

  • Have we ever thought what kind of long term damage is done specially in kids when we use steroids ointments and specially oral medicine?
  • They give you temporary relief but suppress the body response.
  • When you take steroids based medicines it relieves your symptoms superficially but pushes the disease inside your body from the skin.
  • These medicines basically suppress your immune system.
  • It is very commonly observed that these cases of skin progress to more serious diseases like Asthma,Bronchitis, Autoimmune disorders which need life long treatment.

Health levels- 

  • Mental
  • Emotional
  • Physical
  • Mental level is the deepest of all and Physical is the outer one.
  • If we don’t suppress our physical complaints by excess n unnecessary use of medicines we will be saved at our Mental level which is the most important part of our health to be in Balance and Harmony. 


  • Few simple things which can really save lots of health issues to progress further.
  • When you are diagnosed with some skin conditions try not to apply any creams specially the steroid based
  • Try to find out the allergens causing it.
  • You can keep a diary and see what food or other agents are causing it.
  • Consult the physician when needed.
  • Try to use Natural ways of treatment before you start with steroids,anti -allergic medicines.

If we try to avoid use of unnecessary medicines and creams you can keep  your  immune system really strong.

For any of your Health Concerns and Well-being do contact me at HOMOEOPATHY WELLNESS.

Disclaimer –

All content and media on the Homoeopathywellness Website is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.      

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