My Isolation story

My Isolation story

I think life has always been unpredictable, but the unpredictable quotient has been worst for the last one and a half years. I have been reading and listening and talking about how the covid situation affects everyone around us, our families in India. Like me, everyone around is anxious about not meeting our families, parents, living day by day. But I never expected that this could hit me too.

My daughter’s school was detected for a covid positive case, and as a result whole school, staff, students and their parents were asked to quarantine. This was so sudden. We received messages from the Victorian health department, and then it was all over, calling all friends and taking control of the situation. I wouldn’t say I panicked, but we were definitely anxious about spending 14 days inside the house ( apartment) and my daughter. Anyways kids were homeschooling, we were in lockdown, but the idea of not going out of the house for a short walk or fresh air itself was a little intimidating. So I thought to take it day by day and focus on taking care of the physical and emotional wellbeing of the family. Thankfully we didn’t have any symptoms or complaints physically. 

But after a week of isolation, it started hitting little by little. In the initial first week, I planned what to do and complete my pending Work, Consultations, Cleaning the house, Studying with my daughter, watching TV. But it was getting difficult when I did all the things and now one more week to go. Now I am done with almost all the work to do, and if still pending, no interest to do it. Whatever is the situation, half an hour of walk is a part of the schedule. This gives me energy, fresh air and strengthens me mentally and emotionally. But I was not able to do it through this isolation.

During this time, I realised how important it is to cherish moment by moment in our lives. We cant take things for granted and put them for tomorrow. This Situation around the world had made us all realise to live in the moment as much as we can. To keep me sane, I started doing yoga which I recently started, and meditation with my daughter. I spent my time cooking, playing with my daughter, dancing with her, and talking to family and friends.

Small anxiety and fear still creep through the mind, and I think it will go after  I finish the 13th-day test and get the results. This has been an experience itself as we can never anticipate some situations. But on a positive note, indirectly, I was helping people around the government and me to reduce the spread of the virus through isolation and following the timely instructions by the government.

I know many of you must have been through similar situations. Do share your experiences with us.

You can contact us for any query or Homoeopathic Consultation at Homoeopathy Wellness.

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